Antonio Izidoro,
Community Leader,
Function: Founder of the Building Assistance Project Tomorrow in
1980, coordinates
humanitarian campaigns for 26 years, resident and domiciled at Rua
Mario Campos Lara, 45 - Cep. 32800-000 - Bairro: Citrolândia
- City: Betim - State:
Minas Gerais - Phone: (31) 3530.7228 - --
Data of the Organization:
Assistance Project Building Tomorrow(APOC)-Center
for protection and support to needy families-Date
Established: 20/03/1.996 - CGC - 09.076.347.0001-92 - Provisional
Headquarters: Rua Mario Campos Lara 45, Bairro Citrolândia.Banco
Itau - Agency: 1335 - Current Account - 69184-4 - Investing
education and knowledge is belief in the future .- We are fighting
for a more just, fraternal and egalitarian